Saturday, July 17, 2010

Retail Re-tales

When I lived in San Francisco the store I worked at was in the heart of the city, right down the street from Union Square, so most of the people I dealt with were tourists from foreign countries. But now that I am back in the valley, the clientele could not be more different. The new store I work at is much smaller and therefore has a much smaller pool of customers. This store being more of a local neighborhoody one, rather than a huge tourist attraction, deals with more returns and exchanges of clothing than I could ever imagine. If there is anything I have learned in the last few weeks, it's that every return has a story.

This is mine:

" I don't have the receipt because I obviously shredded it the minute I got out of the store. I do that with all my receipts. I don't like the possibility of all my information floating around. Identity theft is a big crime, ya know. I also ripped all the tags off the clothes because I don't really like trying things on with that little piece of paper hanging off the side. It just throws the entire look off.

I washed each of the items, because who knows what kind of germs and infestations grow in clothing that has sat in a store for a few weeks. When I washed them, these little holes developed in the front of the dress, most likely because I put the clothes in the washing machine with rocks. A completely normal practice, everyone does it. A dress should be constructed to withstand a rock washing, it is absolutely absurd that it would disintegrate on only the first try.

 After I washed and wore the shirt I bought three times, I realized it's the wrong size. So I'd like to return it, and I would like cash back. I'll take my shirt business to another store. One that has HUGE size labels so I don't ever make this mistake again. I knew when I threw it on for the third time, after my gym session last week, something seemed a little off. This is a XXL, and as you can see, I only wear a XL

Lastly, I have a pair of sandals I bought only a week ago that just completely ripped apart. I was running full speed through sand and then water for about eight hours. Then when I got home, my dog got a hold of them, and it was somewhat of a confrontation struggle to get them back. But as you can clearly see from the shredded nature and teeth marks, these shoes seem to be very poorly made.  I expected twelve dollar shoes to be much sturdier than that.

I am sure that all of this information is really going to help you process this return. Surely since I have had such a traumatic experience, you can make an exception when it comes to taking these items back. I have no receipts and no tags, and nothing to prove that I actually bought any of this stuff recently.. But since they all have sewn in tags that clearly display your store name, I am expecting you to take every destroyed piece back and reimburse me fully. In cash. I also intend to dictate to you all the prices I paid for each of these items. I don't care if it's on clearance now, I paid full price for it. I swear."

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