Tuesday, April 14, 2009

excuse me, may i, please....thank you.

manners. sometimes i think i am one of the few people in the world to have been taught manners when i was growing up. no offense to my generation, but you guys are RUDE! it never really occurred to me that politeness was something people lacked until others kept commenting on how unusual it was to hear someone use it. but now, using my super observational skills, i see exactly what they are talking about. some people have absolutely no tact.  

for example, when did it become okay to answer your phone in the movie theatre? why on earth would you think that the hundred other people enjoying the deep intellect of the latest chick flick, would rather hear you telling your bff you can't hang out. we all know you can't hang out, you're in a movie!! let it go to voicemail, i promise it won't be the end of your world. or what about talking on your phone in the library? i have no idea why i would assume i could get some quiet study hours in, when you obviously have to catch up with your mother. a little tip for the future: try talking on the phone outside, that way you won't have any silent study-ers affecting the conversation. and lastly, just because you got to class early, and the teacher hasn't arrived yet, does not mean the entire class wants to hear about your raunchy one night stand. i always knew one day i would be punished for being extremely punctual. 

hmm maybe it can be concluded that the invention of cell phones was really where our manners went down the drain. i wonder if anyone has done any research into that. but seriously, call me old fashioned, but we as a generation need to work to keep manners alive. i challenge all of my readers (all two of them) to say please, and thank you, and hopefully influence others to do the same. 

i mean this is serious, in a few years "bless you" after sneezing could be extinct!!

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