Tuesday, December 1, 2009


It's December!!

You know what that means?! The holiday season is upon us! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the holidays. Despite being a half Jew, my favorite holiday hands down is Christmas. I just love the magic. Even though I am twenty two years old, I absolutely love going to bed with an empty Christmas tree and waking up with it filled with colorfully wrapped presents. Luckily I have pretty flippin awesome parents, who still feed into the whole magical presents appearing in the middle of the night thing, despite the fact that all four of their children are adults. (at least age wise).

Every year at Christmas my sister and I would wake up really early and go get our stockings and rifle through all the goodies in there. Then we would manage to pass some time either going back to sleep or watching some Christmas movies. We weren't allowed to wake our parents up until 8 to do presents, so considering we were ravaging our stockings at 3 am, there was some definite time to kill. This is where we created MOE.

MOE stands for Maximum Opening Efficiency, something we felt was absolutely crucial to Christmas morning. We would go out at like seven ish, look over all the gifts and then slyly try to organize them by name, that way we didn't have to search all over for our gifts, and risk missing or losing one. Obviously we were not very slick in this endeavor because my parents immediately realized and it has been their mission to destroy MOE for the last few years.

The Christmas after my sister and I got caught MOE-ing our gifts, we were definitely in for a rude awakening. Who knew my parents had such a vivid memory, and I'll tell you I did not see this one coming. Our entire morning was going according to plan, we got up, went out to get our stockings in the dining room, and when we bounced over to take a quick glance into the living room, we were accosted by this:

My parents had wrapped the entire open wall that leads into the living room with wrapping paper. I think this was one of the few times my jaw actually dropped. And I can't even be mad, all I have to say is touche mom and dad touche! we had to patiently wait until everyone else woke up and arrived before we watched my brother walk right through the paper into the glorious magic that is christmas morning. But if you think that was witty, the next year put this one to shame...

stay tuned for Christmas 06, it was a doozy.

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