Friday, June 18, 2010

The Climb

I really love to walk. And for the most part, when I'm not tripping over thin air and running into walls, I am actually pretty good at it. My temperamental back limits the kinds of activities I can do, and since running, jumping, and pole dancing are all out, walking has become my main focus. Living in San Francisco gave me plenty of opportunity to really challenge and fine tune my walking skills. There are so many amazing scenic walks you can do, not to mention since the city is so small, I tried to use walking as a mode of transportation as much as possible. My favorite walk was one I did right from my house. It was about a 3.5 mile loop that peaked at the Moraga Steps and then winded back down to my house at Ulloa. That walk kicked my ass many times, but it was always worth it when I got to the top of the stairs and could see over the entire Sunset all the way to the beach. Unfortunately once this past semester got crazy, it seemed I never had time to fit in any long walking adventures, so instead I just settled for the decent walk to and from school.

Now having moved back to LA, walking to and from places seems to be a laughable concept. Not to mention the pretty flat layout of the valley doesn't really provide much excitement or challenge. So I have decided that the obvious next step is to become an avid hiker. Duh, right? It makes total sense in my crazy mind. I'm determined to make this happen, and I am taking my parents down with me. The first weekend I was back I made them get up at 7 am, and we hiked up near the Franklin Reservoir and the Lake where they filmed the opening to Andy Griffith. (OH the glamor of Los Angeles!) It wasn't until my Dad said, "Watch out for rattle snakes" did I think maybe I made this decision a little rashly.

But I'm going to power through. Rattle snakes schmattle snakes! I'll just have to pick up a walking shiv, just in case any shanking becomes necessary. I am really looking forward to exploring different and more nature oriented parts of the city. And with any luck, I'll do something stupid, providing laughs and enjoyment for us all. If your looking for a hiking partner, you now know who to call....

1 comment:

  1. I really like the new heading Lauren....see ya tomorrow!

    Lets see if you can figure this one out.
