Thursday, June 18, 2009

is that a zipper i hear?

my friends and i have a lot of theories we have developed about guys (as i am sure many guys have theories about girls) but this one is one of the most serious offenders. personally it is my biggest turn off, and or course it's the one that occurs most in my boy encounters. so for the girls out there, i feel it is my duty to warn you, and for the guys, maybe just maybe you will learn something.

The Unzipping of the Man Suit.

what is this you ask? well now seems like the perfect time to clarify. there is nothing more attractive in the world than meeting a hot guy, who meets your height requirement, seems to have a great personality, and on top of everything else is very athletic and manly. it just sounds too go to be true. well ladies, it is. because there is nothing worse than that same guy, two weeks later, unzipping his mansuit to reveal that he has a giant vagina. not literally, but emotionally. let me tell you guys, two weeks is not nearly enough time for you to feel like it's okay to reveal your 12 year old girl emotions. two years is not even enough. the second that zipper starts sliding down, i am OUT-THE-DOOR.

despite my hatred of this quality, it seems i have a weakness for these types of guys. maybe it's my sarcastic and "manly" personality that attracts these pseudo guys. but seriously, i don't even keep friends around who are crazy emotional wrecks, why in gods name would i want to date one.

what prompted this post is my new attraction (against my minds will) to this guy. it's really more of an infatuation, he just intrigues me. and i am almost absolutely positive that he is parading around in a mansuit. but his height, and messy hair, and most importantly his hands (i love a guy with great hands), have got me overwhelmed. it's obvious that i have a thing for things i cannot have, or more importantly things i don't even want. maybe its my commitment phobia playing tricks on my mind. it tells me to be attracted to people who it knows ill late freak out about.

but for now, i am thoroughly enjoying the excitement of this new challenge, and the beautiful face isn't so bad to look at either. so at least for the sake of having some fun this summer, let's hope he keeps his mansuit zipped tightly. maybe we can reinforce it with safety pins....just to be safe.

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