Tuesday, June 30, 2009


i'm angry right now. really angry. the kind of angry where all i want to do is kick and punch and scream. but none of that is going to help. the situation cannot be rectified, and i just have to accept that suprise suprise, i'm not going to get what i want. so i just need to release some of this aggression, and i am going to do it here on my blog. instead of complaining about the situation that cannot be fixed(since that will only make me angrier) i am going to talk about my biggest pet peeve. i am very passionate about this particular peeve, i consider it the most frustrating thing in the world and i feel it is necessary that it be stopped.

i absolutely cannot stand people who walk like they have no where to go.

now last time i checked walking is an acceptable mode of transportation. it's not really time efficient, but it is good for you, and if you have the time to spare, why not take the 30 min commute vs the 5. But people, if you're gonna walk...DO IT RIGHT! anyone who is walking is inevitably heading somewhere, so please just try to get there! don't just saunter up and down at the speed of a snail as if you are dumb and have no idea where you are. because that is exactly what i think about people who walk slow. you're stupid. immediately i understand that you have no idea where you are going and are oblivious to everything around you. if you are walking half a block, ten people should not pass you in that time. that is absurd.

but wait, it gets worse.

when walking slow is combined with other situations, i sometimes feel like ripping my hair out. an example would be crossing the street. why in god's name would you walk like molasses to the other side. HELLO! there are cars waiting, not to mention what if one gets fed up and runs you down, (don't get me wrong, you deserve it) but don't you have some appreciation for your own safety? or when you are shopping at the mall, with three other people, walking in a row, with a stroller, eating fro yo, obviously you are going .00000000008 miles a minute. you should know that you cannot multi task, and therefore you should not be able to step out into the social world. sit down and eat your freaking ice cream! you would still get to your destination (because i know you have one!) at the same speed.

i understand that people get lost, or confused, and therefore that slows their pace down. i am sympathetic to that. but MOVE out of the way. be considerate to the rest of the people in the world who get places in a reasonable amount of time.

i admitt that i am an abnormally fast walker. as you can tell, i lack patience in some areas and therefore i am the girl you see practically running across campus. ( i didn't get my humungo calves from no where). i am not asking everyone to be speedy gonzales like me, but if a baby has just crawled past you, then houston, i think you may have a problem.

Get some dignity people, and pick up the fucking pace.


  1. the worst is when slow people are walking in front of you and you want to walk around them but there is not enough room or someone else is in the way. ughhh frustrating.

  2. oh i know!? how do they not notice the line of disgruntled people behind them trying to get by? oblivious people should be forced to only socialize with each other.
