Tuesday, July 7, 2009

can i back that thing up?

i was a girl scout for 13 fabulous years. that's right, if you do the math correctly that is well into and through high school, and i am proud of it! if you weren't a girl scout you probably won't understand, but it's absolutely okay for you to be jealous. in fact that is exactly the emotion you should be feeling. girl scouts was an amazing experience, and i loved every minute of it. i bet you don't know how to chop wood with a hatchet and build a fire with just a pocket knife and mag bar. if you weren't jealous before, i am sure you are now.

anyway i must move on, because the actual topic of this post has nothing to do with girl scouts really. but to dwell on the point just a bit more, one thing you always did in girl scouts was everyone had to back their car in to all the parking spots. it's like the girl scout golden rule. even today i bet i could discover areas where girl scouts are camping, just on that one little fact. it was done for safety issues, i suppose in the case of an emergency evacuation, things would go just a bit more smoothly if we didn't have crazed mothers trying to maneuver their vehicles backwards. luckily i never experienced such an emergency situation, so i have no idea whether the concept is successful or not. but now onto the more important point.

as i was driving around in the parking structure at the movies a couple weeks ago, i noticed A LOT of cars backed into spots. obviously the first thing that sprung to my mind, was "wow, there are a lot of girl scouts here." but then of course my rational thinking kicked in, and i realized that at ten o'clock on a school night, most girl scouts are probably tucked into bed sleeping. then it occured to me, that all of these cars must either belong or have been operated by men. *ding*

Why do guys always feel the necessity to back cars into parking spots?

it's totally a guy thing. never once have i driven around a parking lot and thought "hmmm, let me take all this extra effort to back my car up, so it will be easier getting out later." yeah right, that's way too much thinking ahead for me. and then i remembered that any time i have let a guy drive my car, the same thing happens. they always back the car into the spot! does it save time? has that been proven? because if that's the case maybe i'll consider changing my ways. but still, i don't know if that's enough to push me over to the other side. i just don't get it. maybe it's a macho thing, that makes guys feel more manly. but seriously, go pump some iron or act like you have balls. trust me, using your smooth "one handed backing up into a parking spot" move is not going to convince me of your masculinity. in fact, the only thing i can think of as i watch you "back that thing up" is that you are a giant tool. i honestly cannot come up with any great reason why men feel it's necessary to always back the car in? so i have taken to my blog in hopes of getting an answer to this burning question?

Why?? Why must the car always be backed in? Why not think like a girl, and just pull right into the spot, and say "fuck it, i'll deal with backing out later."

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