Aaarry Pottaaah!
i've been a fan of Mr. Potter for many years now. i have read all the books, and obviously seen all the movies. i am definitely not as obsessed as my sister, but i still consider myself a pretty decent fan. the books came out ten years ago, meaning i pretty much grew up with harry potter, which basically puts me here: twenty two years old, and hardly able to contain my excitement about the release of the sixth movie. i've got my tickets to the midnight showing, my harry potter glasses, and every intention of drawing a lightening bolt on my forehead. sad, but i embrace it.
the sixth book was my favorite, and i think the movie looks really bad ass. i mean harry potter becomes such a BAMF in the last two books, how could you not be a fan? so here is to hoping the movie is truly as awesome as it seems like it's going to be.
2 DAYS!!
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!