Sunday, August 2, 2009

i strive to articulate becomingly

i'm on a quest to broaden my vocabulary. not necessarily my knowledge of words, because believe it or not, i'm actually pretty smart. not to brag, but i do know a few big words, i just strive to use them naturally in every day life. i'm a smart girl, it's finally time that i sound like one too.

here is the dilemna i've run into: whenever i am around friends or people my own age, i usually get so distracted by the conversation that i forget to think before i speak. therefore it just like totally comes out like valley girl-ish. then next thing you know, it's sunday morning and i'm at work swimming with the kids, and i have all the time in the world to chose the diction of my dreams. two minutes later, as i'm telling a five year old that she wants to "rotate her arm at a 45 degree angle so it lands perpindicular to the water" i begin to realize that this might not be the best place to practice my new profound way of speaking. she turns to me confused, to which i can only shrug and reply, "i guess you haven't gotten to geometry yet..."

so my new goal (and if i write it, then it must come true!) is to always try to think before i speak. and maybe for once i'll sound just as astute as my mind is.


  1. I'm glad you're updating your blog more often now. It gives me something to do while I wait to move back!

  2. haha well now i'll do it for you more often. since i am pretty sure you are the only one who reads it.
