Believe it or not, I actually used to consider myself to be a morning person. My whole family (with the exception of my sister) are pretty early risers, and I have never had a problem getting out of bed, even if I didn't really want to. But lately this has not been the case. Whether it be the lack of sleep due to all my final projects, or the fact that I have developed probably the biggest case of senioritis known to mankind, I have just been so freaking tired all the time! Getting out of bed has become the bane of my existence, and I am ready to do anything to prolong it. And so snoozing gets involved...
Looking back on it, it's really a big surprise that snoozing didn't corrupt my life sooner. I mean I LOVE to procrastinate, which is exactly what the snooze buttons enables; just five more minutes before I have to get out of bed. Just FIVE more minutes! Cut to me, ten snooze hits later, jumping out of bed and having to forgo my morning crack coffee, because I'm going to be late to class. And I am never late. I began to hate myself and everything the snooze button made me become. But my addiction got so bad that I started setting my alarm two hours a head of when I really needed to get up, just so I could feel the power of snoozing. This, I have to say, was not one of my brighter plans in life, but I just couldn't stop.

I guess what they say really is true. You snooze, you lose!
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