Monday, August 16, 2010

midnight madness

As you can tell, I like to write a lot about my family. I guess you could say they inspire me. While I have said many things about my parents, I have yet to spend any real time talking about my siblings, my brothers in particular. (Don't get too excited Tommy and Bobby, the entire post isn't going to be about you.) Anyway for lack of a better word my brothers are kind of Star Wars nerds, in a cool gangsta way of course. Which is pretty limited being they are two white guys, but that's just a whole different story. Since they are seven years older than me, and at some point in my life I was young and impressionable, and not nearly as wise as I am now, I wanted to be just like them. Cut to elementary school Lauren in basketball shorts and a huge Nike basketball shirt. Again, a whole other part of my life we could tap into at a different time. But the point still stays the same, I wanted to do whatever "cool" things they did too.

 Straight up!

I'm pretty sure Star Wars (or Star Trek for that matter) put midnight showings of movies on the map. Because only people with enough passion for the characters and their fictional world, would be crazy enough to spend hours camping out to see a movie that won't be over til almost two thirty in the morning. And it's through that exact portal that midnight movies were introduced into my life. My brothers had that passion. Not quite the "full Chewbacca get up, camping multiple days" passion, but enough that we spent time in line, waiting with five hundred of our favorite Star Wars loving friends, to see the movies. Which I am almost positive I slept through parts of. In high school I was an amateur, I didn't have the right late night mentality. Obviously college has more than fixed that for me. Then of course comic book movies became the craze, and all the big ones started being released at midnight (anything to push those weekend box office totals!). So Star Wars turned into Pirates of the Caribbean, Superman, Batman, Iron Man, HARRY POTTER, and so many more. And unfortunately it would be a big lie if I left out the Twilight Saga.

But, since midnight movies has become such a trend, they practically release everything at 12:01 now. Back in San Francisco, my lovely roomie Kimi at Tv Snobbery and I, became midnight regulars. The reasoning behind it is genius if you ask me; if the movie isn't a huge release, practically NO ONE goes to see the movie at midnight. Which includes cranky kids forced to stay up past their bedtime, our ultimate pet peeve. It cracks me up that parents can't figure out why their kids are crying through the entire movie, I'm no expert but it might be because it's four hours past their bedtime, and they just don't care about Ashton Kutcher's half naked body as much as you apparently do. Midnight movies became SO much more enjoyable not having to deal with people on their cell phones, or kids throwing temper tantrums down the aisles. It was pure bliss. Of course this only applies to the smaller movies we saw, like Adventureland, Hairspray, or The Runaways. Popular movies are a whole different ballpark:

On Thursday night, Kimaaaay and I decided to go see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Sounded like a great plan, but what I didn't for see was how popular this movie was gonna be. A duh Lauren!! It's based on a graphic novel. Well silly me was just looking forward to a little laughing with Michael Cera and Jason Schwartzman, but what I really got was a fun filled evening with a hundred of my graphic novel loving friends. I'll break it down for you:

After making a trip to the market to get snacks and magazines we walk into the mall, purchase our tickets and go up to the theater at about ten forty to get seats. (Not because we thought it would be packed, but because I got off work and the theatre is right there). Turns our we weren't even close to being the first people there. It was pretty crowded. Immediately I realize everyone is of high school age, I discover this due to the volume at which they were shouting. Remember when you were in high school and you talked really loudly to get attention from people? No...that was just me? Hmmm. Anyway, everyone is obnoxiously screaming. Thinking they're being cool of course, which just makes me cringe. I try and steer clear of reminding myself how obnoxious I possibly once was at that age. Now pair that with the naivety, and I am just raging with embarrassment. I feel bad for kids in high school who think they know everything, there is just so much more out there, they are unaware of, I had an urge to tell them to just calm down and be patient. (Johnny's gonna grow up to be a douchebag anyway, so no need to shout obscenities at the screen just so he notices you!) Not to mention it wasn't really my type of crowd. I was outcast due to my lack of beanie with animal ears and striped knee socks. I opened my giant issue of Glamour and tried to focus on all the hair/makeup/dating/health tips and avoid any eye contact, so as not to have my lack of geekiness discovered.

Overall the movie was actually really enjoyable. Once I got over all the screaming and cheering from the crowd (IT'S A MOVIE, THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU!) I was also tired and freeeeezing in the theater, which probably attributed greatly to my crankiness. I think I learned that I should definitely do some more research into movies before I decide to see them at midnight.... during the summer....when school is out of session. It was clear we were some of the very few in the over 21 crowd. I tried my best to talk loudly, but it hurts my aging ears. Even Kimi, a fellow nerd, was out of place. I mean here I always thought she put forth all of her passion into her love for sci fi, but it's clear she's been half ass-ing it. Which I think is A-OK. Cause I kinda like her the way she is.

As for my brothers....since I know you are all wondering. They have mellowed in their old age. Not nearly as intense as they once were, but still very avid fans of the Star Wars franchise. And don't forget those Ninja Turtles! Thanks to them I probably know a little more about Star Wars than you do, and I have developed quite a healthy love for comic book movies. And I'm hot. That's right, I'm the perfect girl. Oh juuuust kidding. Up next for sure on the midnight movie list: AAAAARRRYYY POTTTAAAHHH and the Deathly Hallows. Now there's a crowd I can put on my glasses and lightening bolt and get behind.

Oh those crazy kids.  

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