Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Crazy

It's official....less than 12 hours until Christmas. I think it's pretty safe to say that if you haven't gotten your gifts by now you need to calmly surrender, go home, and spend the next couple hours crafting some really spectacular IOU's. Sometimes we all have to admit defeat. This just wasn't your year, and you now know you need to get started just a tad earlier come The 2011 Holiday Season.

My morning was filled with people who did not have a wise person like myself around to give them such advice. Instead I dealt over and over again with angry people's shock over the fact that we were sold out of the items they wanted. As an FYI to them for the future: it is not unreasonable for a store to be sold out of a product at 10am....the day before Christmas. A bit more advice for those same customers: "But you have it advertised in the ad!" is not a justification for you having the right to be angry. First off that ad came out four days ago. Second, and really the only point necessary for this argument, that's how ads are supposed to work! We send them out, put things on sale, and then people come and buy them, and when they buy them all, then we are sold out. It's pretty easy to comprehend.  In a case like that it turns out the whole advertising thing worked, you were just to slow on the up go. So go home and yell at yourself rather than get all up in my kool-aid...because you aren't even close to knowing the flavor.

Merry Christmas and Happy Chinese Food and a Movie day to ya'll!! Stop terrorizing retail associates and go enjoy the glorious weather we're having in SoCal!!

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