Tuesday, January 5, 2010

to buy, or not to buy?

we sell sweatpants at my work. the cute kind. if there is such a thing as cute sweatpants, which i think there are. anyway, as i ring up the tons of customers who come in and purchase these sweatpants, i always think to myself..."i should get some sweatpants, they're warm, they're comfy, they're nice to lounge around in...." and these are not just sweatpants, their cute-ish sweatpants. not like the ones i own, with the elastic cinched bottoms, that are eleven sizes too big. after thinking it through, i think i might be ready to committ to adding some of these sweatpants into my wardrobe, there is just one problem...

i am a recovering excessive lounge wearing addict.

that's right. about two years ago i had a major problem. i spent a good year and a half of my college career in soffees and sweatshirts. yes. for some reason i felt this was a completely socially acceptable look, and i looked good in it. or more likely i was just too ridiculously lazy to ever get dressed. it was so bad that wearing a bra for an length of time was uncomfortable, and jeans became my worst enemy. i am almost positive i had a lunch date with a guy during that dark period, and yes, i wore black soffees (FANCY! cuz their black) and a school sweatshirt. with uggs, because i'm from socal and all...duhhh. somehow i managed to wriggle free of that black hole i had sucked myself into, and now i make an attempt to put actual clothes on everyday.

so here is the dilemma: you wouldn't give a recovering alcoholic a shot of whiskey...it could be a real risk to introduce sweatpants into my life, especially ones that have the potential for public wearage. am i strong enough to resist the lazy lounge wear ways...or will i crumble at the touch of the soft warm fleece and elastic waistband.

i just don't want to look back on my life in three years, and wonder how i became sweat pants girl. one day it's the sweatpants, the next day it's no make up. then it's hair put up in a messy bun every day. and then it's me on the couch, with twenty cats, and no friends. because no one likes a sweatpants girl.

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