Friday, November 6, 2009

smart, until proven dumb.

i like to think of myself as somewhat of an optimist. i mean i have a pretty positive outlook on life, for the most part, and i am capable of seeing the cup half full side of most situations. with that in mind i have developed another extremely astute life theory.

as we know, about half the population is stupid. (see how i just put a positive spin on that! i mean with half i think i am being pretty generous.) anyway, it seems like most of the people you encounter through life are just not as quick on the up go, and as aware of life around them. but despite my cynical and sarcastic personality, i like to give those people the benefit of the doubt. and with that comes my theory:

Smart, Until Proven Dumb.

I like to give everyone I meet a blank slate. I don't like to have preconceived notions, and I just assume that they have made it through life thus far, they must have capable minds. It gives them the opportunity to reach to their full potential, without feeling pressured and judged. So until that absolutely ridiculous comment comes out of their mouth, I assume everyone is as smart as me. Unfortunately for some, those comments come out quicker than in others. We are talking anything from the time they open their mouth to speak the first words to you, to the moment they walk towards you with a glazed over dumbfounded look in their eyes. And in that instant, they plummet down to the bottom of the stupid list.

Some people though, are much better at concealing their stupidity than others. I can tell you that I have been shocked many a time by someone who had been parading around as a smart person for months, maybe years, to only ruin it in one quick moment. Be warned, once you make that ridiculously dumb statement, you skyrocket to the bottom, and there you stay. since i give everyone smart status to begin with, i feel it's only fair to say one strike and YOUUUUUU ARE OUUUUUUUUUT.

basically bottom line: if you're dumb, just keep it to yourself, and no one will ever know.

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