Technology absolutely hates me. I don't even think hate has a strong enough connotation to do the situation justice. Technology loathes me.
I have no idea what I did to deserve this plague, but it must have been something really bad. Things happen to my computers, phones, iPods, and sewing machines, that professionals don't even understand. Just last week my phone decided it didn't like my voicemail password anymore, so it would keep kicking me out every time i punched the numbers in. Then, when I finally gained access, I would have to listen to automated messages telling me phone number (blah blah blah) blah blah blah- blah blah blah blah had tried to illegally access my voice mail. Uh, that's MY number ma'am, and it was ME trying to get into MY voice mail. All I wanted to do was erase that dumb video cassette icon on my screen. Is that really too much to ask?
It's definitely bizarre that technology has chosen me as their antagonist, because I have always embraced these new devices with open arms. I was raised in a very technologically advanced household. My Dad LOVES technology. We have had a computer for as long as I can remember and my Dad even had one of those archaic purse-sized "car/cell phones." (Which if you ever bring up, to this day he will still let you know that that was the best reception he ever received on a mobile phone). We were one of the first of everyone I knew to have a DVD player, I was the first of all my friends to get an iPod, plus I own a desktop AND a laptop. But I guess none of this vouches for me, because it seems I am destined to battle for my right to celebrate technology.

My worst enemy in the combat thus far has been the iPod. Some force out there just doesn't want me to enjoy music on the go, which is unfortunate, because it seems like I am always on the go. I guess now would be the appropriate time to admit that I am a PC user. Woah there!...Before you all jump down my throat, let me defend myself a little. I was raised on PC's and so far they have been good to me, so with my track record, why jinx it now? Not to mention Apple, your iPods are supposed to be "compatible" with PC's, don't say it if it's not going to be true.
Every iPod I have ever owned, has had an issue. Let's reiterate that JUST MINE have had problems. I literally think my Dad is still rocking a generation 2 that just keeps trucking along. Mine died probably six months after having it. I have had every problem there is to have with an iPod, including but not limited to, batteries dying, hard drives crashing, and a non functioning click wheel. While it can be frustrating always having to deal with these issues, the part I hate the most is making that dreadful trip to the Genius Bar.
If there is anything out there that hates me more than technology does, it's the Genius Bar. Or really it's those Geniuses at the Genius Bar. I attribute this to the fact that I am a PC user. I kid you not, the second I tell them I am running my iPod off a PC, their entire demeanor changes. Every time I finally cave and decide it's time to get my iPod looked at, I have to find an Apple user to go with me, and hold my hand for moral support. That way when they ask Apple or PC (like the don't already know...) I can mumble PC, and quickly divert the attention to my great Apple loving friend! I used to get a lot of flack for this because people were insisting I was exaggerating the whole thing. But I have proved them wrong time and time again, when we show up and sure enough when I confess, those Geniuses scoff and roll their eyes. Told ya so.
I hate going to the Genius Bar so much that I have been without an iPod now for almost 8 months. It hasn't been too bad because I get Pandora on my *crackberry*, but that doesn't help in the reception-less Muni tunnels. So I have just been riding to and from work, with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company. I would just like to make it clear that I have nothing against Apple or technology, other than their apparent prejudice against me. I guess all I can do now is try to be pleasant and helpful, and hope that one day I will do something to atone for my supposed technological sins.
pictures found here and here
like big like little. I've had 6 ipods.