Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a letter, with love

Dear San Francisco,

I completely adore the weather you have given us the past few days. It has been absolutely beautiful! I never really appreciated weather until I moved here and saw just how amazing it can be. Sure the fog and rain can get gloomy, but then you give us splendid days like these, and all my troubles just float away. Everyone says Southern California weather is better, and I don't disagree that it's nice down there as well, but it is rare that you walk outside and feel the need to exclaim "What a gorgeous day!". That's what today was here, and yesterday, and the day before. You have enticed me to frolic in your rays of sunshine and spend as much time as I can walking all over this wonderful city. Thank you for some much needed brightening of my day.

(twin peaks; one of my favorite places in the world)

on that same note:

Dear Fellow Southern Californians residing in SF. (particularly girls),

Just because the weather has reached a scorching 65 degrees, and the sun is bearing down brightly on this magnificent city, does not mean it is time for you to make rash decisions. I understand that adjusting to the lack of sunshine can be difficult, terrifying at first, but you need to stay strong, and get a grasp on your excitement. Those bright rays will be calling you, but you need to be in control of yourself and hold back. Laying out in the quad on campus... in your bikini... is not the correct decision to make. Reel in those impulses and take your bikini to the beach, or to your back deck, construct a magnifier to funnel the sun into your dorm room, anything to avoid the quad. If you thought you were blending in to that smooth San Franciscan scene, you just blew your cover. Only those crazy SoCal girls would be out, on campus... in bikinis... in 65 degree weather. Do yourself a favor and buy some tanning shells, the ten minutes of claustrophobia will be well worth the embarrassment you won't have to feel later. Despite what your brain may be telling you, laying outside of the student center (in your bikini) does not make you look cooler, or smarter, it just makes people think you are obnoxious. And from SoCal. No need to dig that weird SoCal vs. NorCal animosity any deeper. Respect the City, get some dignity, and soak up those cold rays like I do, in the privacy of my own home, alone, so no one can judge me.


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