Well hellooooo February! You know what that means! Thanks to every big commercial chain store, we all know Valentines Day is riiiight around the corner. Woo hoo. I am most definitely not one of those girls who is obsessed with this made up holiday, but I am not a hater either. I actually kind of like Valentines Day. I mean how could i possibly dislike a holiday that centers mostly around cookies and candy. I'm not a robot! It's fun to throw a little red into your ensemble and give your friends ridiculous my little pony cards. That's right, thanks to elementary school children and myself, the Valentine's Day card business stays a boomin'.
But the absolute best thing about Valentines Day are the candy hearts. I LOVE candy hearts. They are so addictively delicious. (yes, i just made that word up.) Plus for an added bonus, you can read them too! Learning while eating. Again, you must be crazy to hate that. Who doesn't love spelling things in alphabet soup, or reading all three feet of your fruit by the foot? I know I can't resist.
For the next couple weeks I'll be sitting and enjoying my chalky treats, AND learning all the latest ways to romance people. I kid you not one year I found a heart that said "Fax Me." Obviously that seems like way too much effort, driving all the way to Kinko's, having to make a cover letter, besides who even has a fax machine in their home anymore? This years latest creation is of course "Tweet Me." Nothing sweeter than a twitter @reply the entire world can see. Call me old fashioned, but I'm still a fan of the traditional "Be Mine"...it reminds me of a much simpler time. But then again, the words really mean nothing, since I'm just going to eat them anyway.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!
picture found here
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