Friday, February 12, 2010

Salute Your SHORTS!

I wear shorts a lot. To define a lot, as it has recently been brought to my attention, means an abnormally large amount of the time. I LOVE shorts. I wear them rain or shine, which living in San Francisco means my legs are wet more often than they are tan. But hey, I'm actually a genius, because my legs dry off much faster than your soaking jeans, and they weigh less. Schooled!

People think I am absolutely crazy. Which I don't necessarily disagree with, but I don't think it's because I'm a borderline shorts-a-holic. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me why I'm wearing shorts, I could probably just retire now on my small fortune. And what's my answer to that ever so popular question? Well my first instinct is to always say, "Have you seen my legs?" But then I realize that not everyone knows me and understands my sense of humor. Despite the fact that my calves are bigger and probably superior to yours, I don't want to come off as stuck up on the first impression. But part of looking good, is working your best assets, and since cleavage is never going to happen for me, I gotta have something. Which is why I have spent a lot of time power walking up hills to earn the right to wear shorts whenever I want.

I will admit that I have been wearing pants a lot more recently. This is due partly to the fact that people at work nicknamed me "Shorts" and also the fact that it has been REALLY effing cold up here. I realized my shorts habit was getting a little ridiculous when I was wearing a sweatshirt, a giant puff coat, a scarf, a hat, and then my short shorts. I have learned that surprisingly enough, sometimes pants help keep you warmer.

You can call me nuts if you want, but I am going to keep rocking my shorts. Maybe if I keep dressing like it's warm outside, San Francisco will grant me some sunshine. And if not...I'll just just have to pair my daisy dukes with some rain boots. But before you judge me, dig out a pair of shorts from your drawer, throw them on and take them out for a test drive. You never know, it could be a very freeing experience!

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